Total 911 Magazine

Advanced driving instructor Rob Colbourn offers his thoughts on the will to learn and how it can make your driving complete
Rather unsurprisingly, my website promotes the positive benefits of my training and the quality of my work, but don’t just take my word for it!
See what the Editors of Total911, GTPorsche and BMWCar magazines have to say about their own personal experiences of my training, when they each took a day out on road with me.
You will also find a non-editor, client’s eye view written by Andrew Dent, a client who once wrote an article about his day out 15 years ago with my mentor Bernard Aubry, and discusses his comparisons between the two experiences. I have also included the original piece about Bernard, one of the best instructors of his generation!
Advanced driving instructor Rob Colbourn offers his thoughts on the will to learn and how it can make your driving complete
"The Art of Driving – The 911 may be an example of automotive perfection, but are you getting the best from it? Lee Sibley of Total 911 magazine experienced one of Rob’s tailor-made advanced driving courses, exploring the merits of advanced driver training. "
"Around this time last year we undertook a full course of driving tuition with advanced driving consultant, Rob Colbourn (GT 06/15). Our experience was limited to the road as that is where we spend the majority of our time behind the wheel. The syllabus focused largely around improving our general attitude to driving, whilst sharpening our observation and anticipation skills. It provided us with an arsenal of useful techniques and commonsense hints useable in practically every road-going scenario..."
"After a day with Rob Colbourn, even experienced drivers will find they get a great deal more satisfaction from their driving, though ironically they may travel a shade slower in the process. Those less confident, or confident but less experienced, will learn an enormous amount from Rob, all of which will make them safer, happier and more relaxed on the road."
To read Andrew Dent's original article about Bernard Aubry please click here
“Regardless of how good a driver you think you are, there’s always room for improvement. We explore the finer points of honing your driving skills during a day with Advanced Driving Consultant, Rob Colbourn.”
“It’s better to simply discuss the art of driving cars with the aim that you aspire to be the best driver you can be”
“It’s better to have a plan you don’t need, than need a plan you don’t have”, a compelling statement when attributed to driver training. It belongs to driver training coach Rob Coulborn, who for the last 13 years has been providing driver training to fleet drivers and Porsche customers, more recently at the Porsche Driving Experience Centre where Rob is one of the Driving Consults at the centre. Which are strong enough credentials for us to ask him to give us a quick run down on the basics of driver training.”
“Everyone wants to be better at driving, but what makes a good driver? Someone who possesses the ability to set a blistering lap time? Or gracefully power-slide around an airfield perhaps? While both may be valid skills becoming a better driver starts with the obvious; driving on the road. It’s where everyone does the bulk of their driving, so it makes sense to start here. That’s where Rob Colbourn steps in...
Rather than teaching how to throw a car around with armfuls of oversteer and plumes of tyre smoke, Rob simply helps you to expand and develop your current driving style in order to get more out of road driving. In short, he teaches you how to read the road more efficiently, enjoy the road more effectively and, above all, drive safely not only for you, but those around you…”
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